Application Note: WL-MIO-AN-30000

WL-MIO Software Introduction

Responsive image

This application note describes how to install the "wlmio" library.

Step 1

Download library from

Source code for the library can be found here

Step 2

Intall with:

sudo dpkg -i libwlmio-1.0.0-1-armhf.deb

NOTE: It is recommended the installation is done using the VPE-6020 or VPE-6020-H Carrier Card. The carrier cards have an eeprom that sets up the Raspberry Pi dtoverlays.

Step 3

Change CPU governor to decrease system latency (optional):

echo performance | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_governor

Step 4

Bring CAN interface down for configuration:

sudo ip link set can0 down

Step 5

Configure CAN interface:

sudo ip link set can0 type can bitrate 500000 dbitrate 2000000 fd on sample-point 0.80 dsample-point 0.80 berr-reporting on restart-ms 100

Step 6

Bring up CAN interface:

sudo ip link set can0 up

Step 7

Run the "monitor" program from the terminal.

As long as one or more modules are connected there should now be some output on the terminal.

Note that steps 3-6 must be repeated on each power-up. These can be scripted as part of your application's startup or via systemd.

The individual Software Application Notes available for each module provide sample PYTHON code under "Applications" Menu.

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